Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happiness Day 12-31

There is much to be happy about!!

1.) I'm getting married! In 23 days, I'm getting marred for time and all eternity to the love of my life in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.

2.) I get to see my family, because I'm getting married. Everyone is coming out and I can't wait to see everyone. I love them all.

3.) Tomorrow is my last day of classes, then finals, then I'm getting married.

4.) I have a great job that works with my school schedule and lets me make money.

5.) I have the opportunity to go to school and wonderful grandparents who help me get through school. I am so grateful for everything they do for me.

6.) I have wonderful examples in my life and a great support system. They are willing to help me through everything.

7.) I live in a great apartment complex where I have made wonderful life long friends, get to have a great roomie, met my soon to be husband, and get to be part of a great ward with a wonderful, supportive bishopric.

8.) I live close to my family so I can see them pretty much whenever I want.

9.) I finally get to go through the Oquirrh Mountain Temple on December 29th to receive my endowments.

10.) I am marrying into a great family and am going to have wonderful in-laws that care about me.

11.) I have been able to plan my wedding mostly stress free and am pretty much all done!!

12.) Kyle and I both found people to by our contracts!! That means we don't have to worry about paying extra rent.

13.) We were able to find a cute little apartment not too far from campus for only $500 a month. It even has two bedrooms.

14.) I'm healthy.

15.) I got to see my Daddy over Thanksgiving. I miss him when he's in Alaska for 5 months.

16.) I have a dance class with my cousin, so I get to see him twice a week.

17.) I get to see the beautiful, wonderful, amazing girls that I RA'd for on Thursday.

18.) I'm going to have a washer and dryer in my apartment.

19.) I've never gone hungry and have always had clothes to wear.

20.) Did I mention I'm marrying the best guy ever? He is so great. He loves me, he thinks I'm beautiful, he's going to school so he can support our family, he takes care of me, and he'd do anything for me. He's amazing and I love him!!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happiness Day 11: A Weekend of Wonderful

It's been a long time, but there are so many things for me to be happy about this past week and this weekend.

On Tuesday, my family came up and stayed the night with me. Xander has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so they came up Tuesday night (after I got scuba certified!!!!) we went to temple square, saw Jonathan and Marcie and then they spent the night at my apartment. It was so much fun. Then Wednesday we went up to Daniel and Alice's and then saw How To Train Your Dragon. So much fun. They're coming up again this coming weekend and I'm so excited. I love to see the family.

Friday I had the opportunity of going to my Bishop's cabin with my ward and spend Friday and Saturday there. It was such a wonderful opportunity. I made great friends with people in my ward, got to witness the beauty of the Earth, and have such a great time. I sat around the camp fire, went swimming in the lake, went 4-wheeling, and it really made me miss Kotzebue. It was so wonderful, and so beautiful. Saturday afternoon there was a huge rain storm which I love, so everything was well worth it.

Saturday night was the ward temple trip. We went to the Provo temple, and although we were able to get in and out really fast, it was such a great experience. I love going to the temple and can't wait to go to the Salt Lake temple with Trevor next weekend.

Today was fast Sunday, which is wonderful in and of itself, but then we also had choir practice and will have break-the-fast later. I love going to choir. I love the songs that we are singing and I love the friends I have made there and the spirit that I feel. We're singing in church on Sunday and I'm really excited. We're singing an arrangement of "I Love the Lord" and it is so beautiful. I am going to share the words with you, because I love them so much.

I love the Lord. In him my soul delights.
Upon his word, I ponder day and night.
He's heard my cry, brought visions to my sleep,
And kept me safe o'er deserts and the deep.
He's filled my heart with his consuming love,
And borne me high on wings of his great dove.

Yet oft I groan,"O wretched man am I!"
My flesh is weak and I'm encompassed by
A world of sin, which holds me in its thrall,
If I give in and to temptations fall.
Then strength grows slack, I waste in sorrow's vale.
My peace destroyed, my enemies prevail.

Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin.
Rejoice, my heart! And let me praise again
The Lord my God, who is my rock and stay
To keep me strict upon his straight, plain way.
O let me shake at the first sight of sin
And thus escape my foes without and in.

I love the Lord, and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to sing praises to him. I love the spirit that the Lord gives to me and the help he gives me throughout my life. I am so grateful to be in a place where I can feel the spirit. I am grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the opportunity I have to repent so I can live with my Heavenly Father again. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed me with the life I have so that I may have these experiences and be blesses with a wonderful family and friends. I love you all.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happiness Day 10: Fudgesicle Face

So, this didn't start out as something that made me necessarily happy, but as the last 10 minutes or so has progressed, it has made me quite happy.

Today, while we were eating Fudgesicles, mom noticed that hers looked like it had a face. So, she hung up the phone, made me take a picture of it, and then posted it to Facebook. Then, for the last 10 minutes, every time she looks at it, she laughs. It just makes her so happy that her Fudgesicle looks like a face. And her laughing continuously makes me very happy. So here it is, Fudgesicle Face.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happiness Day 9: Just One of Those Days

Today was a particularly hard day. Nothing in particular to talk about, but nothing seemed to go right. So, I decided that today would be one of the most important days to blog. Because it's a day, that a first glance, doesn't seem very good. But take a closer look, and I realize that it wasn't all that bad. So here's 10 things to prove that today wasn't an all bad day.

First off, a simple text from my mom, telling me she couldn't wait until Friday so she could see me. Something little, but something that was really appreciated when having a rough day.

Second, a hello from my dad, just to say he sent me a package and that he loves me.

Third, a message from my mother, even though I was in class and couldn't answer, to say she was thinking about me.

Forth, getting to be outside. Although I was annoyed that I had to walk back to my apartment in between classes to get something I forgot, it was a beautiful day, and it would be a shame to go without recognizing that.

Fifth, getting a phone call from a friend that I haven't heard from since we parted ways for the summer. The day I needed a hug the most, the guy I go to for hugs couldn't give me one, so he called me instead, and it was so good to hear from him!! I'm so excited for him to go on his mission!!! He leaves in a week!! Crazy.

Sixth, skyping with a great friend!! Even with nothing to say, we can talk for forever and it was great to see her beautiful face!!

Seventh, hanging out with friends, even if it's just for 45 minutes. Having fun and laughing makes up for everything.

Eighth, realizing that my family is only a 2 1/2 hour drive away and that I'm going to see them in less than 2 short days!! I'm so glad that they are so close and that I can go home anytime that I want and that I'll have a place to stay.

Ninth, knowing that even if I can't make the 2 1/2 hour drive, I can always make a 10 minute drive to see Kali, a 20 minute drive to see Audrey, or a 45 minute drive to see Daniel and Alice. Whether they're blood related or not, I know I have family that cares about me!!

Tenth, knowing that people care enough about me to give me a ride home so I don't have to walk alone in the dark, even if it is about 2 blocks away.

And Eleventh, just for good measure, realizing I have much to be grateful for.

Life is hard, but it's worth it. I love it!! Like a good friend said in her latest blog, "Beauty is all around us. Not recognizing it doesn't make it any less beautiful, it just excludes us from its adventures. Your life may be what you make it, but life has already made itself beautiful for you. All you need to do is take it and then say "thank you" by making someone else's life a little more beautiful."

Take a minute to read her post, it really is amazing.

I love you all!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happiness Day 8: Dinner with friends

It has been brought to my attention that I have not blogged in about a week. Oops. Well, because of that I decided to change my rules. I am going to continue to TRY to blog everyday, but when I miss a day, I'll just continue on to the next day. So, by the end I won't have 365 consecutive days of happiness, but I will have 365 days of happiness.

So, last weekend was one of my best friends birthdays, and I happened to be out of town visiting my wonderful family. So, I decided to make up for that by having dinner at my house with some of our friends. I'm making tacos, and I even bakes a cake!!! (I know what you're thinking. Rachel??? Bake??? But yes I did :)

So, I actually haven't had the dinner yet so I can't post any pictures. I will after we're done. But, I am so happy to have such wonderful friends. I love the time I get to spend with them and I am so glad that they are in my life.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happiness Day 7: Shopping at the Long's Food Storage!!!

Today I had to go up to Salt Lake to grab some things from my brothers house. Right before I was about to leave, my sister-in-law asked if I needed any food, which at first I turned down, but after thinking about it, I thought, why not take some extra food storage so I don't have to buy it!!!?!?!?! CHaching!!!

So, after looking through their food I ended up with 3 cans of peaches, 5 cans of tuna, about 8 cans of spaghetti sauce (big cans), peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, and a box of cheerios!!! HOORAY!!! I can eat for quite a while with all of that stuff!!!

Thanks DeeDee and Alice!!! I love you!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happiness Day 6: Flowers

Today was a little bit harder to find something to come up with. It was just a normal day, and this is what I look forward to the most. Having to search for something that might not be super noticeable. Really all I did today was get up, get ready, go to class, do some homework, go to walmart, eat breakfast, lunch, dinner. Nothing too special. However, I LOVE living off campus. That being because I get to walk a little farther to class. I love BYU campus. It is so beautiful. And now that it's summer, all the trees are green and the flowers are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love seeing the flowers on my way to class and I'm going to miss them in the winter. So, I will enjoy them while I can and continue walking to class :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happiness Day 5: Funny Girl

Okay, this will be my last late post. Hopefully!!!

Yesterday I moved into my new apartment, and after a day of classes and grocery shopping I came home. One of my roommates asked me if I knew about Family Home Evening, which I didn't so she told me about it and I decided to go.

It turns out, one of the the wives of one of the members in the bishopric was in a play at the Scera theater. The Scera theater has an outdoor theater, so we all piled in cars, laid out our blankets, and sat under the stars while we watched Funny Girl. This play was turned in to a movie that stars Barbra Streisand. It was super fun. The lead girl was fantastic and it was super fun to watch with new friends. The male roles didn't do as well, but it was fun to watch. Needless to say, I had "Don't Rain On My Parade" stuck in my head the rest of the night. I'm excited about my new apartment. Everyone seems really nice and the ward seems great. YIPEE!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happiness Day 4: Old Traditions, New Semester

Last night, I drove back up to Provo for school. I got here about 9 and since I couldn't move in to my new apartment until today, I stayed with Erynn. It was super fun. I got to see old friends, and meet new ones. Best of all, we went to Ihop and got the usual. Mozzarella sticks and a ham and egg melt. Delicious. It was so fun to hang out with Erynn and meet some of her new friends. I'm super excited for this semester!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happiness Day 3: Spamwiches!!!

YUM!!! Thanks to Evan Creasup, the Long family was introduced to Spamwiches. They are DELICIOUS! Hearing what's on them, you might think differently, but don't knock it til you try it! A Spamwich consists of Eggos, either Strawberry or Blueberry, an egg, cheese, spam, creole seasoning, and hot sauce. It's the perfect mix of sweet, salty, and spicy. It's so yummy. We were supposed to have them later in the week for dinner, but since my mom loves me sooooo much, she made them tonight so I could have them before I left to go back to school. And tomorrow, we get PORK CHOPS!!! Ahhhh, I have the best mom ever.

And, a special shout out to EVAN!!! Without whom, we never would have had the chance to taste of this goodness!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happiness Day 2: Swimming, Sun, and Being Puerto Rican

I love the summer. I love laying out in the sun, going swimming, and getting tan. I also love the fact that I'm Puerto Rican. It helps quite a bit in the summer because I don't really burn. I just get tan. Well, for the last couple years I've spent the summer in Alaska, so I haven't been able to get very tan. This summer though, that is NOT the case. I've been to the pool almost every day with the family, and try to lay out for at least a half hour every day. It's so nice down here in Southern Utah and I have begun to get my tan back!!! Hooray!!! (I might start going to a tanning booth year round so I can keep this B-E-A-UTIFUL tan!)

I can't figure out how to get my picture to attach that I took today. This one is from when I went to Puerto Rico in 2008.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happiness Day 1: Laundry, while reading a friends blog, I stumbled across this blog about happiness.

I only read a few of the posts, and I'm not exactly sure if this is what the post does, but it got me thinking. In the past, I've been told that I tend to remember the bad things that happen in my life, instead of the good. I've done a couple things to try to change that, like starting a journal where I only write happy things, but haven't really stayed motivated with them. I think that I've gotten better about it, but this is me trying again.

Everyday for at least a year, I am going to write about at least one thing during my day that made me happy. My goal is, that by the end, I will be more on my way to remembering the happy things in life. I'm actually really excited about it. I've been into reading friends blogs lately and I always wish that I was good at it, so I'm going to try now!! Wish me luck!!

DAY 1: Laundry

I actually HATE doing laundry. I usually wait for months at a time before I finally get around to doing my laundry. However, at this time, I'm living with my family in a place that doesn't have a washer and dryer. So, about once a week I go with my mom to the Laundromat in town to do laundry. It is nice doing the laundry here because what would normally take all week, only take a couple hours. However, my favorite thing about laundry day is that I get to spend it with my mom!!

Here's how the couple of hours today went.
1.) Go to Laundromat and start 6 loads of wash.
2.) While wash is going, go to the grocery store for weekly shopping.
3.) Back to the Laundromat to switch things over to dryer.
4.) Take food home and put away.
5.) Back to the Laundromat to fold the clothes.
6.) Take clothes home and put away.

On any normal day I would HATE this. Especially if I had to do it by myself. However, I love that the whole time I get to spend it with my mom. I'm actually going to miss having laundry day with her when I go back to school!!

This picture is from last year on the 4th of July, but it's us!!