Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happiness Day 5: Funny Girl

Okay, this will be my last late post. Hopefully!!!

Yesterday I moved into my new apartment, and after a day of classes and grocery shopping I came home. One of my roommates asked me if I knew about Family Home Evening, which I didn't so she told me about it and I decided to go.

It turns out, one of the the wives of one of the members in the bishopric was in a play at the Scera theater. The Scera theater has an outdoor theater, so we all piled in cars, laid out our blankets, and sat under the stars while we watched Funny Girl. This play was turned in to a movie that stars Barbra Streisand. It was super fun. The lead girl was fantastic and it was super fun to watch with new friends. The male roles didn't do as well, but it was fun to watch. Needless to say, I had "Don't Rain On My Parade" stuck in my head the rest of the night. I'm excited about my new apartment. Everyone seems really nice and the ward seems great. YIPEE!!!


  1. You need the song version that Lea Michele did in Glee. It is awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2FQ40_fVDk

  2. I LOVED that version, and I LOVE Glee!!!!

  3. Rachel, my dear, I LOVE your blog. It makes me happy to read the things that make you happy.
