Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happiness Day 12-31

There is much to be happy about!!

1.) I'm getting married! In 23 days, I'm getting marred for time and all eternity to the love of my life in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.

2.) I get to see my family, because I'm getting married. Everyone is coming out and I can't wait to see everyone. I love them all.

3.) Tomorrow is my last day of classes, then finals, then I'm getting married.

4.) I have a great job that works with my school schedule and lets me make money.

5.) I have the opportunity to go to school and wonderful grandparents who help me get through school. I am so grateful for everything they do for me.

6.) I have wonderful examples in my life and a great support system. They are willing to help me through everything.

7.) I live in a great apartment complex where I have made wonderful life long friends, get to have a great roomie, met my soon to be husband, and get to be part of a great ward with a wonderful, supportive bishopric.

8.) I live close to my family so I can see them pretty much whenever I want.

9.) I finally get to go through the Oquirrh Mountain Temple on December 29th to receive my endowments.

10.) I am marrying into a great family and am going to have wonderful in-laws that care about me.

11.) I have been able to plan my wedding mostly stress free and am pretty much all done!!

12.) Kyle and I both found people to by our contracts!! That means we don't have to worry about paying extra rent.

13.) We were able to find a cute little apartment not too far from campus for only $500 a month. It even has two bedrooms.

14.) I'm healthy.

15.) I got to see my Daddy over Thanksgiving. I miss him when he's in Alaska for 5 months.

16.) I have a dance class with my cousin, so I get to see him twice a week.

17.) I get to see the beautiful, wonderful, amazing girls that I RA'd for on Thursday.

18.) I'm going to have a washer and dryer in my apartment.

19.) I've never gone hungry and have always had clothes to wear.

20.) Did I mention I'm marrying the best guy ever? He is so great. He loves me, he thinks I'm beautiful, he's going to school so he can support our family, he takes care of me, and he'd do anything for me. He's amazing and I love him!!!!

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